Well. 2007 has been quite a year. Lots of ups and downs. Looking back...my first post of the year said my blog word was "Rodney." Just checked again today and it's now "hospital." That about sums up the year, I'd say.
January: The Hew got engaged. We lost my beloved Auntie after a long illness.
February: Went on vacation with mckays_girl. Mr. Fantastic got a job. I did a sleep study.
March: Mr. F gave me the plague and I got a new job. There was a St. Patrick's Day party. I had a botany-related nightmare.
April: I declared my intent to have gastric bypass surgery. I had said surgery and Mr. F is a champ. I talk about my health. David Hewlett turned 39.
May: My friend Erin had her baby.
June: I celebrated birthday 29v5. Mr. F turned 36.
July: We started the Family Olympics. I saw Harry Potter OotP. I read Harry Potter DH. I went to ComicCon with mckays_girl. My brother had a brain tumor.
August: My brother's brain tumor was cancerous. My grandmother died. Mr. F & I had our 8 year anniversary. It was the ten year anniversary of my mom's death. My dad turned 62. They decided not to do radiation on my brother, chemo only.
September: My brother started chemo, and also started having a weird skin reaction to one of his medications. He went back to the ICU. Mr. F & I went to Vegas.
October: Mr. F won a t.v. Hewlett 2.0 arrived. Had my 6-month follow-up to surgery, my brother went back to work. I got the plague again, SGA was picked up for season 5. Mr F. loves me despite my geekery.
November: I got a new phone. My brother JT turned 43 and still needs your Coke Rewards points. The chemo is working. After a long break, I started back to the gym again.
December: I got nearly everything on my wishlist and you guys rock. Steve turned 42.
This was quite a year for me. So many wonderful and awful things happened. I have certainly been living in interesting times. I'm so very grateful for all of you. For squeeing with me through all the good stuff and for all your amazing support through the difficult things. For making sure I never felt helpless or alone. I cannot thank all of you enough for being the amazing friends that you are. There's nothing like interesting times to make you appreciate how wonderful life is, even when it's awful.
Here's wishing 2008 is more of the wonderful, for me and for all of you. Happy New Year! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥