Monday, June 25, 2012


A particularly large, Jurassic Park-looking dragonfly got into the house today. I very calmly called for Mr. Fantastic to come get it as it sat on the ceiling. As Mr. F was getting the broom, the dragonfly started to get agitated and bounce around some, so then I started making EEK noises and calling a little more urgently for Mr. F.

And then the dragonfly got REALLY agitated and CAME AT ME BRO, probably because the window was right behind me but at the time it seemed like it wanted to eat my face.

As it was crashing around the kitchen trying to find a way out and/or eat my face, this dragonfly was going BUZZ THUNK BUZZ THUNK which was not the same harmless little bzz tap noise you get with a chubby fly.

So then I leapt from my chair, screaming and flailing, and ran from the kitchen while Mr. F shooed the dragonfly out the window. All while my one- and three-year-old kids were watching from downstairs. Possibly not my best moment as a role model, but I don’t think Mr. F has ever seen me run so fast.