Sunday, June 29, 2008
Vegas! Zzzz...
Not to mention, I was a complete wet blanket and was so exhausted I had to go bed by like 10pm every night. Considering how I was feeling and being less than two months in, I was surprised to see so many women like a trillion months pregnant while we were there.
With the being tired and having to pee every five minutes, I don't think I'd ever choose Vegas as a getaway to take whilst pregnant if we hadn't already had the trip planned and paid for before we found out.
Also, naturally, as I'd predicted, my sister-in-law sussed I had some news to tell at dinner when I declined to have any wine. I'd figured either she or my mother-in-law would see that I wasn't drinking and immediately guess. It was pretty funny, I said no to the wine and she said, kind of joking, "Do you have something you need to tell everyone?..." and I said, "Well...yes!" and everyone got all excited and clapped and it was really kind of fun. I was sort of nervous about making a big ol' announcement but everyone was so pleased for us that I didn't mind.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
We'll be back late Sunday night, but then we're up early Monday to spend the day at Water World for my neice's birthday. So I'm offline until Tuesday. Have a great week(end)! *kisses*
Monday, June 23, 2008
I was wanting to wait until three months to tell anyone besides our immediate family but I accidentally screwed that up when I had all my girl cousins over for happy hour to celebrate my birthday. I knew I was walking thin ice anyway since I wouldn't be drinking, but I thought maybe I could get away with having iced tea in a glass and not prompt too many questions.
I had my camera out and we were taking pictures and next thing I know, two of my cousins were looking through the stored photos and came across the one Mr. F took of me holding the pregnancy test the day we found out. I had totally forgotten it was on there or I never would have left my camera out. Oops!
So I was in the kitchen and as I'm walking back out to the living room, one of them calls out, asking if I'm pregnant. I stopped in my tracks, all these thoughts running through my head, but mostly, How did they figure it out?! and What kind of evidence do they have? and Holy crap, I wasn't prepared for this! And then I saw them holding the camera and immediately figured out what had happened. Busted. I had no idea what to say and ultimately went with a tentative and stunned "Ah...uh...yes?"
Well, a great cheer went up and they were all hugely excited for me and of course I'm so glad especially that Heidi knows now so we can go through it together. And bonus, since she's two months ahead of me, she can tell me what to expect better than my books can!
I still have a few friends that I mainly see for events like happy hour, all of whom have requested to meet up in the next couple weeks - I guess I'll need to let them in on it as well. I feel very vaguely that I'm letting them down since I can't be their drinking buddy anymore. I know that's silly - I can still see them, still hang out, I'll just be having juice. I know everyone will just be happy for me - I think it's more the realization that wow, my life and my lifestyle is already changing and we haven't even heard the baby's heart beat yet!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Banana fana fo farlie... least, I think he's kidding.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Because of science
Now that I think about it, I can't believe how quickly I got pregnant. No, seriously, because of the PCOS we had really resigned ourselves to it taking at least six months.
I know I need not remind you of my temperature charting obsession. I was just now looking at the spreadsheet (shut up) to remind myself of exactly how pregnant I am (21 or 22 days) and realized that I got pregnant either the second or third time we "tried." !!! I'm amazed! And now I just keep remembering Heidi telling me it would happen sooner than I thought it would because I was being so obsessive and scientific about charting and trying on the right days and everything.
We even did a dry run in April - I had gone off birth control but was advised by my OBGYN and surgeon to use an alternate method for April while my body cleared the hormones. Anyway, starting in April, I was charting obsessively to get into the habit and to get an idea of the pattern I should look for in May when we went prime time.
And whammo, right out of the gate! Who knew all that crazy science stuff actually worked?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Baby, baby.
I told him to say hi to the baby so he put his face near my tummy and said, "Hi baby!" And I said, "Honey, it's a bundle of cells 1/100th of an inch big. You're going to have to talk louder than that." So then he smashed his face into my tummy and said, "Mmph mmm-mmph!" Hee.
This afternoon, Mr. F was musing aloud how things were going to be at 7 months, meaning how it's been one day since we found out and we've already gone through a whole gamut of emotions from excitement to apprehension and everything in between. But I thought he meant how I was going to be, how our relationship was going to be and I said, "You mean when I'm cranky and fat and have to pee every 5 seconds?" and without missing a beat he said, "How is that different from now?" It's funny when it's true.
And he keeps touching my stomach a lot, which is seriously the cutest thing ever and makes me go all goofy(er) every time he does it.
Please tell me everyone is as dorky as us when they first find out.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bun, meet oven.
Then Dr. Murahata came in and we chatted for a bit and it occured to me that I should ask for a pregnancy test, even though we've only been "trying" for a short time and my PCOS makes it hard for me to get pregnant, so it would be highly unlikely that I actually was. But I figured, I'm here, we might as well, right? So Dr. M stuck her head into the hall and told Tiffany to do the test before she tossed my sample. Dr. M & I chatted a few minutes about health history and all that normal stuff.
Then Tiffany came back in and changed my life.
She had this huge smile on her face and was sort of tiptoeing in, carrying this little plastic rectangle in her hand. She grinned at me and chirped, "It's positive!" and showed me the two little lines. My heart stopped for a minute and I started doing that simultaneous laughing/crying thing and actually clapped my hand over my mouth to keep in the near-hysterical giggles.
"You're kidding! Oh my god, I totally didn't expect this!" I laughed and Dr. M laughed too, saying, "We can tell!" because I was so obviously bowled over by the news. And then I asked if there was any way if it could be a mistake and she said no because of when I'd had my last temperature spike*. I was so excited I had to pee, even though I'd just peed in a little cup for Tiffany. (I pray this peeing thing is not an indicator of things to come but oh, basically everyone tells me it is. Sigh.)
It turns out that I'm like, two weeks pregnant or something, but thanks to my handy little temperature spreadsheet, I can probably tell you on which exact day I conceived. So right now that means the baby, which I have been calling in my head "the peanut" since April when we got serious about it, is actually nowhere near as big as an actual peanut. Rather, it's just a clump of cells and looks like something you'd find in a petri dish. Actually, it prolly is something you'd find in a petri dish.
I got dressed and made my appointment for my first ultrasound - July 15th. We'll know for sure then when I conceived and what the due date is. I had all these other errands to run after but I was so excited I went straight home to tell Mr. Fantastic. He happened to be home from work today, so he was there when I got in. He was on his way to the bathroom and I just said, "Honey, guess what!" before we'd even said hi. He kissed me hello and then asked what and I told him.
He was as shocked as I was and didn't say anything for a second - then he just grabbed me in this huge hug and kissed me. And then he said things like "You're kidding!" and "This is so cool!" and "Oh, wow, I'm going to be someone's dad," and stuff like that.
Also, I happened to have a home pregnancy test under the bathroom sink, so just to be extra sure, I took it. That second little blue line popped up right away, clear and bright as possible - no faint line to make us unsure. I dunno why I felt compelled to take it - it's not like I don't trust the doc's office; more that I can't believe it happened so quickly and that I didn't trust my body to make it this easy.
Because of the PCOS, Mr. Fantastic and I have talked a lot about what we'd do if we didn't conceive naturally within the first six months. At 35, I'm already a borderline high-risk pregnancy and the PCOS just makes it worse. So we've talked about the whole range of things to do to get a baby, from adoption to IVF to taking fertility drugs. I was already so prepared for there to be problems, it almost didn't occur to me that I might get pregnant without intervention! Who knew.
It is still sinking in and I know a million things can go wrong but it's going to be so hard not to tell EVERYONE! I wanted to wait until I was through the first trimester. However, I'm pretty sure we're going to have to tell soon because we're going to Vegas with Mr. Fantastic's family and my brother Steve next week and his mother at least will wonder why I'm not having a pina colada at the pool! And I can't wait to tell my cousin Heidi (aka H3), who is due Christmas Eve - we both wanted so much to be pregnant together and now we get our wish!
I'm off now to go buy my copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting and maybe one of those Hitchiker's Guide to Babies kind of thing that says "Don't Panic!" on the back for Mr. Fantastic.
*Yes, I've been obsessive about getting pregnant literally since the day I went off birth control back in April. I knew the PCOS was going to make sprogging a challenge so I wanted to do everything I could to help. Anyway, for those not in the know, you have a temperature drop right before and then a spike right after you ovulate. It's supposed to tell you the best days to do the deed. Guess my scientific method helped out after all! And now I can stop being on hold for that fertility-diet book at the library that I've been waiting two months for.
Monday, June 16, 2008
And so the 12 Days of My Birthday begin!
So Saturday was the Fantastic Family birthday BBQ - Mr. Fantastic's birthday is on the 24th, mine's this Friday on the 20th - so every year we have a combined family BBQ to celebrate our birthdays. We had a wonderful time at Mummy Fantastic's, BBQ'd steaks and corn and had ice cream cake and got pressies. One of my brothers couldn't be there and one of Mr. F's brothers and his family couldn't be there, so we missed those guys, but it was still great.
Got some nice gifts, including movies passes and a gift card to PF Chang's and t-shirts with names of our fantasy football teams on them. And Mummy Fantastic gave us each $100 cash for our upcoming trip to Vegas. All in all, a great start to birthday season! Happy 29v6th birthday to me!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weekend update

~ Thursday, played poker with Vader and our friends Daniel and Jesse stopped by. Was great to see all of them. Haven't been playing much poker lately...just not as fun as it used to be. Now I mostly go to socialize and the poker is secondary. It's funny - I hang out with Vader a lot and everybody tends to think we're dating. One of the guys at the poker table started to tell me he thought I was pretty and then stopped and apologized to Vader for basically hitting on his girlfriend, and Vade was like, "No, no, it's okay, dude - I mean, she's married, just not to me!" and then he looks at me and says, "OMG, if we keep hanging out, I am never getting laid." Lulz!
~ Friday, went to cousin H1's where her in-laws, who have a spa in Larkspur, come up a couple times a month and do a spa day at her house. So I got a hot stone facial, which was excellent. If you've never done it, you should. Now I want to get a whole hot stone body massage. I was so relaxed after the facial, I can't imagine how I'd feel after the massage. Anyway, H & T actually went to the Rockies game but I stayed and had dinner with the 'rents and the twins and T's cousin, which was a lot of fun. I think I got my first mosquito bite in years, but it was worth it sitting out in the back yard having a glass of wine and chatting. Oh, and I got to meet their new puppy, Jax, who is an 11 week old Shiba Inu and quite possibly the cutest dog I have ever seen in my life.
~ Saturday I went to cousin H3's and we went to this flea-markety thing which was lame but we also had lunch which was good. Then we went to her house and she showed me her kitchen remodel plans - their house is gorgeous to begin with, but the kitched was outdated. The new kitchen is going to be so cool. And then we ended up in her closet having me try on a bunch of her dresses because I've had no luck finding a dress for my upcoming trip to Vegas with Mr. F, a bunch of his family and my brother Steve. Anyway, she had this one adorable dress in a size 12 that I didn't want to try on because I thought it would be too small, but she forced me to try it on anyway because it's so cute - and it was too big! No so big that I can't get away with wearing it, but still, I was shocked that I fit into it. Still have some body dysmorphia going on, I guess. I ended up with three dresses and another outfit that she's letting me borrow and I am so excited! For once I'm going to look cute in Vegas. And she's all excited for me to wear her dresses because, as I have mentioned, she is knocked up and won't be wearing them for a while. Oh - that reminds me, her due date is Christmas Eve - the same birthday as Steve!
Then after I got home from H3's, I went and met H & T and Co at the People's Fair. Always good fun, food, people watching. And I just live a few blocks away so I was able to avoid the parking hassle and just walk down to meet them. And H and I got matching mendhi on our ankles - the Japanese symbol for happiness. Now I have an idea if I want to get a tatto there or not. (I'm thinking prolly not. I should take a picture and see what you think.)
~ Sunday I spent the day with Steve and Dad. We had lunch and then went and tried out Steve's new Wii. It was excellent fun! If I was ever going to allow a video game in my house, it would be the Wii. We did all sorts of games - tennis, bowling, boxing, baseball, etc. I absolutely loved the boxing; Dad prefers the bowling. And there was some awesome slasher game called No More Heroes which was incredibly complicated but totally sweet. Ooh, and we did Guitar Hero, which Steve rocked and I TOTALLY sucked at. Failed every song I tried. I did kick his ass at the boxing, though. Lots of fun.